Photo Collection

Page History Photo Collection

Hello! On this page you'll find many photos documenting the history of the All American Toy Company. Be sure to scroll down because we have lots photos here. If you hover your mouse cursor over a photo, a small description should pop up. Clicking on any of the photos will bring up an enlarged view of the selected photo. Be sure to read our Company History page and Wanted page too!








      A young Tim Mcfarland with his beloved All American Timber Toter and other fun toys. This photo was taken in 1950 and Tim still has still has the Timber Toter and most of the others in the fleet.


Charles was around 4 or 5 when this photo was taken. He had two logging trucks and a dump truck, along with other brands of equipment. 
His plans are to re-create a logging show (used as in, temporary work location) in his yard. as soon as he gets his workshop completed.
Charles is anxious to get started. as his cousin has two 7 year olds that will enjoy playing with the trucks.

Homer Rue, All American Toy Co. employee, tool and die maker, from 1947 visits the toy company August 2014.

The original founders, Clay and Beth Steinke come to visit Pat Russell.  1992


 1992 ad for the first Limited Edition by Patrick Russell


"This picture shows me and my brothers and was taken around 1957 In Onalaska WA. My brothers grew up and worked in the logging industries. Me, I worked In the trucking industry and hauled lots of lumber. I think these trucks set our jobs for later years :-) My brothers have passed away but I still have their trucks. What great toys they are. I’m glad to see you are carrying on the tradition."


We would enjoy to hear your stories with the love that you have for All American Toy Company.  Feel free to send us your pictures, so we can add them to our history page for everyone to enjoy.